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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 18 October 1918

On 18, Oct 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Mail 

Friday 18 October 1918



The question of providing facilities for social intercourse for women workers on the land in the city was discussed to-day at a special meeting of the Birmingham Women’s War Agricultural Committee.

The Lady Mayoress (Lady Brooks), who presided, pointed out that women’s institutes were organised in the various counties for educational and social work among women farm workers, but in a city like Birmingham the workers were too scattered for such a plan to be practicable. It was undesirable on account of necessary economy of fuel to start new clubs. Her ladyship therefore asked leaders of such movements as the Y.W.C.A., Girl Guides. W.V.R., G.F.S., and others, to encourage their members to make friendly overtures to wearers of the Land Army Uniform and to permit them to share in their recreations. The duties of the representatives would be to seek out all land workers in their district and to encourage them to spend the long winter evenings with the organisations mentioned. It was intended to teach home industries and to provide recreative facilities.

It was pointed out that all women working on the land in any capacity will be eligible to share the benefits of the scheme, such as assistance in finding lodgings, boots at reduced prices, lessons in basket-making, and slipper-making, and use of the Land Library books.