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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 1 August 1918

On 01, Aug 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Mail 

Thursday 1 August 1918



A boy of thirteen was charged at the Birmingham Children’s Court to-day with wilfully damaging growing crops on an allotment in Tennal Road, belonging Mr. John Lennox Fleetwood, Wentworth Road, Harborne.

Chief-inspector Chadwick met the boy in Tennal Road about 8.30 on the evening of July 22 carrying hag containing freshly-picked broad beans, carrots, and potatoes, and the officer arrested him.

The boy, who had been in trouble before, was sent to a reformatory school for five years.

A girl aged ten years was charged with stealing a florin piece belonging to her mother. The coin, which the child denied having stolen, was found concealed in her stocking.

It was stated that the girl had been caught with her hand in a lady’s pocket, and that she had stolen 3d. from another child. She was before the Court a few weeks ago and placed on probation.

The mother said her daughter was quite beyond her control, and she was sent to an industrial school until sixteen years of age.