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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 1 April 1918

On 01, Apr 2018 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Daily Post

Monday 1 April 1918



At the resumed conference in Birmingham yesterday of the Amalgamated Union of Co-operative Employees and Allied Workers the subject of the reconstruction after the war was discussed.

The Midland District Council had a motion down declaring that no such reconstruction would be adequate which did not give organised workers the full control of industry.

The President (Mr. R. B. Padley, Sheffield) lent his support to the resolution, which was carried.

The Irlam C. W. S Branch submitted a resolution, also agreed to, laying it down that in considering reconstruction policy the Executive Council should aim at the abolition of overtime and a higher rate of wages for all co-operative employes. The argument used by the moved of the resolution  was that by doing away with overtime they would help to find employment for soldiers on demobilisation.

On the motion of the Netherfield bbranch, the Executive were instructed to begin a movement with the object of compelling the Government to refund and bear the financial burden of death claims “now falling with such appalling effect on trade union funds of all trade unionists falling in his Majesty’s armed forces.”

On a card vote of 22,520 against 21,413 the conference adopted a resolution welcoming the Whitley Report, and calling upon the Executive to draft a scheme based upon the recommendations made therein which should be applicable to co-operative employment.

Councillor R. J. Davis (Manchester) moved a resolution favouring any movement towards convening an international conference of representatives of working class organisations to discuss ways and means of brining the war to an honourable conclusion. This was carried on a card vote by 29,277 to 7, 943.

A change in the weekly half-holiday in the distributive trades was dealt with on a resolution from the Manchester Equitable Branch, and the desirability of work ceasing in shops not later than twelve o’clock noon on Saturdays was agreed to.

Mr. J. Hallsworth (general secretary), on behalf of the  Executive, moved that the Government be urged to amend the Workmen’s Compensation (War Addition) Act 1917 so as to make the extra compensation payment thereunder apply not merely to cases of total incapacity but to those of partial incapacity and of fatal accident.

Mr F. E. Barnard (Midlands District) secoded, and the resolution was carried.

On the proposition of the Bradford and Yorkshire branches a resolution was adopted instructing the Executive to proceed forthwith to provide an opportunity for the members of the union to elect two additional Parliamentary candidates in accordance with the political scheme decided at the last A. D. M.