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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 28 November 1916

On 28, Nov 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Mail

Tuesday 28 November 1916



Sir,- I am a sojourner in your city to-night, here partly on War Savings business, and while taking a modest meal in the dining-room of my hotel this evening I could not help noticing a sight which I hope fervently is not indicative of the general attitude of the Birmingham public towards War Savings, and economy, in these strenuous times.
A party of seven, ladies and gentlemen (local people, not staying in the hotel, as I took the trouble to find out), were dining at a table near by me.
The ordinary menu was not good enough for these worthy people, and they had to have special dishes – although, goodness knows, the table d’hote is lavish enough in these war times, as frequenters of the hotel will bear me out – with at least 2½ magnums of champagne, to my knowledge, and when I left the room the banquet was not finished.
This, for in all seven people, including two ladies, is what we call in my part of the world “doing ourselves well.” The nationality of most of the gentlemen was obvious.
I should imagine such ostentatious display of wealth, no doubt profit earned through the war, will be emphatically condemned by every right-minded citizen of Birmingham.– Yours, etc., A PATRIOT.28
November 23.