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On This Day



In On This Day

By Nicola Gauld

On This Day, 14 October 1916

On 14, Oct 2016 | In On This Day | By Nicola Gauld

Birmingham Daily Post

Saturday 14 October 1916



At a meeting of the Executive Committee of the Birmingham Lady Mayoress’s Depot, yesterday, the Lady Mayoress being present, special reference was made to the arrangements now being made through the British Red Cross Society for the visits of the wives of British prisoners of war to their husbands who are interned in Switzerland. It was stated that of these prisoners twenty nine are Birmingham men, and that already the wives of thirteen have made application to visit Switzerland. The expenses will amount to £12 each, and the committee are very desirous of providing a sufficient sum to cover local cases. A sum of £100 has been contributed for this purpose by one generous donor, and the committee will welcome further contributions, which should be forwarded to the hon. treasurer, Mr. G. O. Howard Smith, 11, Waterloo Street, Birmingham.
A letter was read from Sir Edward Ward, the Director-General of Voluntary Organisations, calling attention to the urgent need in view of the approach of winter, for woollen articles for the troops. The committee of the depot, who are affiliated to the central organisation, resolved to communicate with the societies urging a renewal of efforts in the direction indicated. Any ladies in the district who can take part in the work should forward their contributions to the Depot, Broad Street Chambers, Easy Row.

Records of prisoners of war can be accessed via the International Committee of the Red Cross,